Women in African Investments

About the WAI Group

  • Created in November 2017, Women in African Investments is an influential collective of women investment professionals focused on investing in Africa.
  • We support women fund managers through networking, knowledge-sharing and awareness-building to catalyse gender-equitable economic growth in Africa.
  • Members include senior executives at DFIs, PE/VC funds, Philanthropic funds, FinTech intermediaries, Family Offices and Market development organisations.
  • The WAI Group makes women fund managers visible, holds our industry accountable and combats inequalities in access to capital. The WAI Group uses WhatsApp as a platform.
  • The WAI Angel Network may be joined by WAI Group members and individuals seeking to support emerging female fund managers in Africa.
  • First-time fund managers may present track record-building deals to the WAI Angel Network.

Who is eligible to join the WAI Group?

  • The WAI Group is open to women professionals in the African fund management industry.
  • Non fund managers whose organisations enable the flow of capital towards women may also apply.
  • Membership is selective and prioritises seniority, influence and geo-linguistic diversity.
  • We seek out individuals who are committed to walking the talk beyond their “day job”.
  • The group is moderated according to a set of rules.

Join the WAI Group

Learn about the process, benefits and prices.